Market Intelligence: 20
Well-positioned to Execute in Core Areas of Strategic Growth

Leveraging our market-leading capabilities across strategic areas to drive continued growth

S&P Global Market Intelligence continues to invest. Our core focus areas are aligned to customer needs and market trends and are underpinned by flexible, world-class delivery channels.

Our industry is impacted by macro-related factors including global disruptions, geopolitical uncertainty, capital markets fluctuations, concerns around transparency in global markets, changes in market structure, and new technologies including AI.

The investment plan focuses on driving value and delivering premium capabilities to the market through a combination of our solutions and insights while leveraging our expertise in data, technology, and flexible delivery to facilitate critical decision-making for our customers.

  • Private Markets
    Providing transparency and achieving greater operational efficiency with end-to-end private markets solutions
  • Sustainability
    Delivering information, data, tools, and analytics to customers to help them make informed sustainability decisions
  • Credit and Risk Management
    Offering industry-leading tools and analytics covering the intersection of risk across credit, financial, regulatory, third-party, supply chain, and climate
  • Supply Chain
    Equipping customers with industry-leading trade, maritime, shipping, and relevant risk-related data to assess supply chains 
  • Data Discovery & Distribution
    Driving scale and efficiency through data discoverability platforms and flexible distribution channels
  • Desktop & Workflow Expansion
    Leading desktop solution alongside a broader set of workflow tools to deliver integrated value proposition

S&P Global Market Intelligence’s investment plan focuses on driving value and delivering premium capabilities to the market